Sunday, December 03, 2006

Not quite so Epic but still

Well managed to get a bit of crafting done before getting sucked into the fight again. Finished off the jungle and did a bit of Bibiki Bay. Once again mass partying with Scab and Co. We didn't get 6 levels this time. Mainly because the party wasn't quite as up to snuff as the previous day's one. I think I was pulling fast enough, mostly. It was just that the quality of filler players wasn't up to yesterday's standards, so the chains suffered. This time there were only 3 of us from the LS: Scab, Devious and myself, with Cheeky (Scab) as PL.

We got 4 levels this time before I had to call it quits. I was getting tired there. Good times though. That makes 10 levels in 2 day for THF, only 7 more to go till I don't need to level that one. Going to have to re-visit the weapons for that one though. And armor. And gear.

I think over the next few days I'll start posting pics of my armor sets. Some are rather funky. As well as pics of the various ls members.

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